(2018) 3 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 50–63
Title of the article Theoretical Aspects of Applying the Principle of Unacceptability of Procedural Rights Abuse in Commercial and Civil Litigation
chief research officer, department of providing scientific and methodological framework for prosecutor’s activity outside the sphere of criminal justice, Scientific Research Institute, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, alexsvirin55@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 3
Pages [50–63]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract Any abuse of both subjective procedural and/or substantive rights is a violation of the principle of fair exercise of these rights. Scientists admit that one of the most complicated and challenging legal problem is to determine and set the internal framework of exercising these rights.
The purpose of the article is to highlight scientific approaches, to study the theoretical aspects and practice of applying this principle, to consider the positions of lawyers and practitioners, to try to identify problems and discuss issues, and to make suggestions for their solution.
It is noted that despite the recognition on the legislative level of the principle of unacceptability of procedural rights abuse and the partial regulation of liability measures, the legislative definition of the concept of “abuse of procedural rights” has not been provided to date, that allows the court to subjectively assess the behavior of each participant in the trial. Moreover, it is stated that at the same time the court must: to determine the boundary between the fair exercise of procedural rights and their abuse in each specific case, taking into the account the unfair exercise of the right – an evaluative term; to evaluate the legal situation in the case, but not the attitude of the parties to the dispute and the legal proceedings.
The author also points out the following: for the proper exercise of rights in the procedural law, the procedure, methods, and limits of their implementation were established and thus reduced to a category of procedural duties; each procedural right corresponds to the duty to observe the order and the limits of its implementation; the decisive factor in assessing the actions of a person is not what right s/he exercise, but how s/he exercises it.
It is proposed to introduce the concept “abuse of rights” into the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine and the Commercial Procedure Code of Ukraine. A lot of questions, especially regarding situations that, depending on the particular circumstances, the court may consider the abuse of procedural rights as actions that contradict the task of the relevant legal proceedings, need urgent improvement, clarification, and specification.
Keywords fairness; subjective rights; abuse of procedural rights; parties to the proceeding; justice outside the criminal justice system; boundaries of liability for abuse of rights.
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